WATER EVERDAY                                                                    

Sot-Uganda International’s Water Every Day program  aim to make measurable and sustainable improvements in water supply in the communities we serve. The solution to the water crisis is not simple. It is a big problem that needs a big answer. The water crisis is only going to end when we all work together with each other, with other CBOs orNGOs, with the communities that we seek to serve, and with YOU. Only through deep commitment and collaboration, will we be able to solve the water crisis.

                                                                    So what can you do?
Spread the Word
One of the biggest challenges is that not enough people know about the water crisis. For most of us, instant access to clean water is the norm. Many of our friends and family are not aware of the fact that 1 billion people in the world don’t have access to water like we do. So help us spread the word. Use our resources to help share information about the water crisis with your friends and family. Tweet about it. Share on facebook. Start conversations. The more people that know, the more people will help.
Imagine if you gathered 5 of your friends and shared the story of the water crisis with them, convincing each to give $25 to a well. Now what if each of those 5 people did the same? The Ambassador program trains volunteers to have a tremendous impact by sharing our story in their communities.

Start a campaign.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an easy online tool that gave you the ability to set up your own fundraising campaign? Then all of your friends could donate online. You could send out the link to your email lists, your facebook friends, and your twitter contacts. You could get the people you know to help you raise money for a water well and you could change the lives of hundreds of people.

Sot-Uganda International’s Water Every Day program  aim to make measurable and sustainable improvements in water supply in the communities we serve. As well as our workforce & enterprise development and food security & agriculture programs: SOT has demonstration gardens and conducts training to encourage growing high nutrition crops and local food production. SOT provides training on the establishment of kitchen gardens, on producing a variety of resilient food crops, and on composting techniques. At the family level, helping communities to diversify their nutritional sources, which is especially useful during extreme weather conditions.


At Water to Thrive, we are busy working with our partners on the ground to identify where the greatest water need is and how we can help fulfill that need. But we need your help! The funds that you donate help us to further our mission and bring clean water to even more people across rural Africa.


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