Community  Outreach.

Uganda is estimated to have 2.46 million persons with disability and the Elderly constite 6% of the total population of Uganda. They are one of the most marginarised socio-economic groups, with no specific provosion for their concerns .All there is, are promoses to study the needs of the group yet it is well known that the Elderly are worn out, have little strength to engage in productive activities and compete for services. In many cases the elderly have lost respect  of the community due to the diminished roles to influence political process and have little social support and feeel hopeless.
SOT-UGANDA INTERNATIONAL, Has put in place an explicit programe  / intervation to aid this gradually growing group.
One of the ways we help people in our community as many very old widows in our community no-longer do garden work so they do need regular visits and this we move along with things like sugar, salt, maize flour,rice and are given to them for their home use and we also do give out essential drugs that may be needed at times of abrupt sickness and among thees we give them painkillers, anti-malarials and so on.

 we do need monthly support to do all this a donation of $20 can help to support one home visit to bless the old ones of the community for the bible tells us that ""

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